Area Manager


This is a new and exciting role within our organisation. As our business grows we are looking to appoint someone to take over the operational running and management of Prosports and all of its non-owned facility activities.

This will include the appointment of any new members of your management team.

The job spec is here.

To apply submit a CV and covering letter to

Below is a current proposed structure of the team that will be in place, however, this will be open to moving as the new post holder chooses.

Recruitment Process

The recruitment process for this role will be broken up into 4 stages

Presentation - 10 mins (40% weighting)

You will need to prepare a presentation on how you have demonstrated the core values of the business and our brand behaviours.

Panel Interview - 20 mins (40% weighting)

The interview would be based on questions around examples of both leadership and management within the business.

Peer review (20% weighting)

A series of colleagues and peers will be consulted on who has supported them, during their time here, who sets the strongest example and who they feel meets the brand behaviours to the highest level.