Onboarding Process
Hopefully, you take advantage of our services and pick us as your provider for the year. If you do, let us know what option it is you want to proceed with and we will begin the onboarding process.
This process is a big part of how we operate within a school. The first step is to receive the documents below from yourselves.
List of documents we need from you
Schools Behaviour/reward Policy and system
Fire and Evacuation Policy and process
Sen Policy/Procedure
Inclusion Policy/Procedure
Building and Risk Assessment
Once we have these documents, Myself, Luke Barnard our Director of Operations, and the coaches (if they are all available) would do a site visit and find out a little bit more about the school, set up the curriculum for the year, the reporting structures in place and any other school-specific issues.
The final step is to map out our joint observation dates.
Other discussion points
If you could book yourself a meeting with me it would be great. https://calendly.com/r-partridge/60min