Camp Epic Program Development Officer


Camp Epic has always had the vision of ensuring every child has an Epic Holiday, by bringing in a huge range of enrichment activities to our clubs from bouncy castles go-karts and nerf wars to animal visits, science days, and much much more.

Over the last year, our model has changed slightly to work with partners to provide funded spaces for children to attend the camp, this ranges from children in Foster care, vulnerable children from the community and supporting low-income families whose childcare costs are just too high.

But now is the time for Camp to go up a notch, we are looking for someone to take the business and elevate it to an even bigger level, creating more venues, adding even more exciting activities, developing partnerships with partners and our overall end game to get a headline sponsor.

But we want to hear your passion and your ideas. For this interview you will need to prepare a 10 - 20 minute presentation on how you would achieve this vision for Camp Epic

The full Job spec is Here

Supporting Resources

All resources should be on our website and social media channels. Our web address is In regard to the other programs we deliver, check out Prosports Solutions both on the internet and social media. Any questions can come to

There is also a supporting document crip sheet here


Please follow this link to book an interview slot that fits you. The interview will comprise of

Our interview Questions - 20 mins
Your presentation - 20 mins
Questions based on your presentation - 10 mins
Questions for us - 10 mins

Any questions, queries, or more information, please contact Katie Partridge-