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Kickstarting young people into employment.

With young people being the hardest hit by covid, from an employment point of view, we wanted to put together a programme that will help young people gain the skills and experience to gain sustainable employment.

Our plan is to recruit and train up to 150 young people using the governments KickStart programme, train them in Community sports coaching and put as much activity in parks and open spaces as possible - all lead by the community.

This free provision will be extended to support schools, community groups, youth clubs and anyone else who could benefit from our support.

Our Active Parks Project at Nevendon Park this Summer

Our Active Parks Project at Nevendon Park this Summer

What will the young people get -

  • The Prosports Way internal training programme in community activation.

  • Employability training.

  • Paediatric First Aid Level 3.

  • Safeguarding Level 2.

  • Mental Health Awareness Training .

  • Principles of Coaching Sport Level 2.

  • Functional skills in Maths and English if needed.

  • 6 months work experience across a range of sectors, including leisure, recreation, education and health.

  • Entrepreneurs programme for those who want to become self employed.

Our Team

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Prosports, who we are and what we do, we are a sports development business who operates with a wide range of partners and within a range of sectors across the county.

Where we are different, is that 21 out of our 22 staff either have completed or are currently on an apprenticeship with us, so training and development of our team is a key factor in our business design.

A New Design.jpg

Where will these young people go after the 6 months has finished?

During the course the young people will be exposed to various opportunities to give them the opportunity to go onto any of the following -

  • Employment at Prosports Solutions or one of its sister companies.

  • Further Training opportunities or returning to full time Education.

  • Employment at one of the 100’s of other organisations we work with.

  • Help setting up their own business.

  • Other employment opportunities outside the network

Other benefits from the program?

Outside of the employment aspect, there will be countless other benefits to the community which will include but not be exclusive to -

  • Reduction in Antisocial behaviour.

  • Higher levels of community activation.

  • Healthier more active communities.

  • More active open spaces.

  • A reduction in mental health issues

  • An increase in the local economy, with every £1 spent in sport returning on estimate a £3 growth to a local economy.

  • Increased capacity within local sports clubs and activities

  • 1000’s of hours of new activity.

What do we need from you?

At the moment, the only real support we need from you is promotion and networking, if you know young people on Universal Credit signpost them to their job coach about the opportunity, if you know anybody, whether an individual or a group who would benefit from free sports coaching please share with them too!
