CSC Gymnastics Club Vacancies
This position has been created to support the club’s growth in participants over the last 12 months. The role is build and deliver our preschool sessions, so that children can love gymnastics from the youngest age and stick with it for as long as possible.
For the short Job Spec
Head of pre school gymnastics.
About Prosports
For more information please go to our website, there you will find more detail about our values, what we do and how we change our communities.
Pre-interview task
- During the interview, we would like you to present to us, what changes or ideas you have for the development of our preschool classes and how these would run.
- During the interview, we would like you to present to us some ideas of how you would make our customers experience a positive satisfied one.
Please follow this link to book an interview slot that fits you. The interview will comprise of
Our interview Questions - 20 mins
Your Presentation - 10 mins
Questions based on the role - 20 mins
Questions for us - 10 mins
The initial interview will be over Google Meets. If you haven’t used this platform before we would suggest you have a practice on it first. It is free to use.
Trail Session
If your interview is successful you will be required to come to deliver a trial session at the club. We will arrange this with you directly and provide any information you need.
Any questions, queries, or more information, please contact Richard Partridge