Downham Primary Logo.jfif

LTA CKS Delivery Timetable

LTA CKS Thorpedene SLA 2021

Why Prosports

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Certificate of Insurance

List of documents we need from you

Schools Behaviour/reward Policy and system
Fire and Evacuation Policy and process
Sen Policy/Procedure
Inclusion Policy/Procedure
Building and Risk Assessment

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Other discussion points

School/Children Fitness - I would recommend a couple of things we can implement. We can add MiMove to your school if you would like us to support with a wider scope of recovery with your PE lessons.

We can also implement our physical aptitude test across the school to measure both children’s physical literacy as well as their emotional connection to their physical shape and their fitness.

Extra-Curricular Clubs - If you can send me other clubs you are running yourself, I will put together a list of clubs we can run to complement it.