Holy Cross Primary Autumn 2020

‘As schools reopened it was essential to get our children active and to support them in making healthier choices. Prosports havd helped us to do that and it was been wonderful to see our pupils enjoying taking part in a variety of sports each week.’
— Mrs S Power - Headteacher

With everything that comes with Covid, we knew that getting back to school was going to be really tough. However, the team at Holy Cross have shown some inspirational leadership in putting everything in place to allow their children to experience a wide range of extra curricular activities and sessions to help the children get re energised!

With this plan we have set up a wide range of extra curricular clubs which currently has 50% of the total KS1 and KS2 children taking part in extra curricular clubs!

How have they done it?

It has actually been easier than it seems,but here are some of the headline features which allowed it to happen.

  • Coaches only working with strict bubbles throughout the day

  • New risk assessment and cleaning protocols in place

  • Coaches temperature checked and signed in to track and trace daily

  • Changes to drop off and pick up programmes to reduce parents waiting in crowded areas and unnecessary travel through the school building

  • Slight changes to curriculum and games to allow social distancing where possible and reduction in contact.

All in all, some very achievable and sensible steps to ensure we can help children’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing by getting them active.

It has been really inspirational to see a school do whatever it takes to allow their children the opportunity to be as active as possible!
— Richard Partridge - Director - Prosports Solutions

Within these extra curricular clubs we have been running our Active Maths before School Clubs as part of operation catch up and we have seen a some huge successes. Physically active learning can really help children who need to re energise and re engage in both physical activity and numeracy and literacy. This half term we have seen progress in every child in both Physical activity and mathematics confidence.

Want to find out more about Active Maths?

Active Maths  Holy Cross (1).jpg

On Monday 12th, we also ran the first of our 6 enrichment days for the year. We are going into the school, once every half term and leading an enrichment day with the children to engage them in some sports they might not always get to play. This week we played Tennis and the South Ockendon Open for KS1 children. The children had a great day and got to play some mini tournaments - all in a covid safe way!