Download and Complete the following Forms.

Send forms to Assistant Operation Manager.

New Employee Form

Staff Disqualification Form

Work Availability Form

Uniform Order

Please also send across the following documentation

  • Passport

  • Driving License

  • Enhanced DBS (if you have one)

  • All Qualifications you have gained- Preferred are first aid/safeguarding (if you have them).

  • Proof of address (ie bank statement or letter)

  • P45 (if applicable)


Prosports Solutions Policies will be attached via Google Forms, which we ask you to read in its entirety, once you are happy please sign and return. If you have any questions please refer to your Induction Tutor.


Download and Complete the following Forms. Send forms to Operations Admin.

Declaration of NON Disclosure Form



Download and Complete the following Forms. Send forms to Operations Admin.

Medical Form

If there any changes to the details above during your work within Prosports Solutions, its your duty of care to inform and update Operations Admin.

Once you have completed everything on this page, please head to compliance