What we do

Prosports Solutions has a single shared vision to provide a better service and better value to people to make sport and physical activity more accessible to everyone.

This will be achieved by our 5 core aims.

Increasing Activity

This is our main key aim, everything we do has the aim of increasing physical activity. Every project or activity we deliver has to have the underlying aim to increase activity.

Increasing the standards of PE and school sport

With the ever increasing emphasis on giving children an outstanding PE and school sport provision, this became one of our core aims. This is the area in which we probably deliver the most, providing a wide range of support for partner schools.

Developing the skills in the sector

If there is going to be a conscience and sustainable change to our levels of activity we need to ensure that there is the skills within our workforce to deliver it.

To achieve this we created the Prosports Family, our way of working with and developing the best coaches and activity leading professionals, to enrich not just our workforce, but that of our partners and even our rivals.

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

As part of our whole system approach to activity, we want to work with partners to not only help people get active, but make really good, positive life choices around their activity, their diet, mental health and much more.

Developing our Partnerships

As part of our core aims to make a change to everyone we work with, we are not going to achieve it alone, we want to work with like minded individuals and organisations. Working together to increase the amount of change we can make to our community.

With these core aims and ensuring everything that we do falls into this we feel we can make a huge difference our local and wider communities.